The global wipes market size was USD 4.09 billion in 2021. The market is projected to grow to USD 6.22 billion in 2028 at a CAGR of 6.2% in the 2024-2028 period.

This information is provided by Fortune Business Insights™, in its report, titled, “Wipes Market, 2024-2028.”

As per our expert analysts, wipes are regarded to be a fundamental sanitary product utilized to maintain the sanitation and hygiene in households as well as in the environment. The rising alertness concerning health and hygiene maintenance has boosted the demand of the personal care industry.

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Top Companies Covered in the Wipes Market:

Report Coverage

The report presents a general study of the market along with existing trends and imminent estimations to establish proximate investment gains. An in-depth examination of any upcoming opportunities, intimidations, competitions or driving influences is also stated in the report. Step by step, thorough regional analysis is offered.

The COVID-19 impressions have been added to the report to aid investors and business possessors to understand the jeopardies better. The key players in the market are analyzed, and their tactics to bolster the market growth are cited in the report.